France : +33 6 63 39 37 93 - Dubai : +971 55 416 6150 [email protected]

Meet the Team

Sébastien Vallet

Sébastien Vallet


Graduated from ESMA in 2004, Sebastien has a long experience of business aviation behind him. He’s passionate about aviation since an early age which brought him to achieve his Private Pilot Licence when he was only 14 and start flying on his own at 15.

His large knowledge of regulations, planes and management gave him the tools to build a strong company with a large services capacity. From Buying, selling or leasing a plane, to flight management or finance management, he built a team that is able to fulfil any customer requests.

Sebastien is stil flying most of the time and is always happy to share his knowledge and experience with the team. Feel free to add him on social medias and to contact us for any query.

Julien Roudil

Julien Roudil


Julien is CEO and co-founder of Menkor Aviation. After a childhood in Senegal with eyes turned skyward, he went to Montpellier, France, to enroll in a pilot training at ESMA. Having graduated in 2004 alongside Sébastien, Julien is recognized for his rigor, his taste for challenge and his enthusiasm. He became an airline pilot and accumulated more than 12,000 flight hours on B737-200/500/700, B737NG, A330, A340 and A380.

In 2017, he co-founded Menkor Aviation and developed the company’s services thanks to his in-depth expertise of the aeronautics industry. As an outstanding leader, Julien is inspiring and knows how to give meaning to the actions he takes with his employees.

Whether it’s to charter a private jet, buy or sell a plane, Julien is always ready to share his expertise and support his customers. He is committed to providing personalized service to each of them.

Feel free to follow him on social media and contact him for any query.